Posts Tagged ‘san diego’

San Diego Approves Chickens, Bees, Goats

A sign of the times! San Diego City Council voted on Jan. 31, 2012, to allow residents to keep chickens, goats, and bees, citing the importance of accessing local food. Read more here. 

Undocumented Chickens Contribute to Ruffled Feathers in San Diego

Oscar and Owl were recently ousted from their cushy San Diego urban backyard coop due to their immigration status: Chickens are illegal in the city.

Booted from their home due to a no-chickens ordinance, the hens were moved into a nearby neighbor’s yard, where their new poultry siblings beat up on them. They currently live in an undisclosed location, a chicken safehouse, as it were, far from the hawklike eyes of the authorities.

For more information, check out Illegal Chickens Forced into Hiding.