Posts Tagged ‘laws’

Darien, IL Residents Win the Right to Keep Backyard Chickens

Darien resident Melissa Goodridge and her chicken coop

On Monday Oct. 5, the Darien, IL City Council voted unanimously that city residents have a right to keep chickens in their backyards. This ruling ends weeks of controversy that began when a Darien resident, Melissa Goodridge, wound up with 4 hens and a rooster instead of the 5 hen chicks she thought she was getting.

Her story may be an inspiration to those in other communities who hope to change their local ordinances to allow chickens.

A neighbor called the local alderman to complain about the rooster’s noise, and the local council reacted by considering a ban on all backyard chickens in Darien.

“Darien had no ordinance on chickens, which allowed residents to own chickens without a problem,” Melissa said. “The change… was led by the alderman who received one complaint about my rooster.”

Once the ball was rolling, Melissa felt the need to fight because she didn’t want to be the reason all chicken owners in Darien would lose the right to keep their birds.

“I created a petition that created waves in social media, but the local council couldn’t care less,” she recalls. By the time of the ruling, hundreds of people had signed the online petition.

What did get their attention, it seems, were the residents who sent emails to council members about the issue after reading about it on social media.

In addition, “I worked closely with a local politician who would like to remain anonymous. They were a big help in advising me about the logistics of it all,” Melissa said.

“I think the fact that there were so many residents who already had chickens helped. [Council members] knew prohibiting chickens would cause a big issue.”

The new regulations limit the number of hens to six, mandating privacy fences and requiring permits. And, of course, no roosters.

No one here but us girls!

Iowa City One Step Closer to Legalizing Chickens

Home to Roost was interviewed this week for this article on the quest to legalize chickens in Iowa City.

The Iowa City City Council voted 5-2 on the first consideration of an amendment to the city’s zoning code on establishing a permit process, which would allow residents to keep chickens at single-family detached residences. Councilors Michelle Payne and Terry Dickens voted against the measure.

Good luck, Iowa City chicken enthusiasts!

Chickens Approved in Elgin

The city of Elgin, IL, just approved chickens!

Todd Martin made the proposal, and here is his report:

“At tonight’s City of Elgin’s Sustainability Commission meeting, my proposal to allow backyard chickens has been approved. The next step is to meet with Elgin’s planning department for crafting the ordinance, then the Planning Commission, then the City Council. Lots of steps and community involvement along the way. If you have any questions, look at West Dundee’s licensing program; we will be modeling ours on theirs.”

Canadian Right to Food Trial

Piggybacking on my 1/26/2012 post, there is a legal argument over the right to local food in Calgary, which was sparked by backyard hens. Chickens are no longer a pivot point in the argument; it has now encompassed larger issues that involve municipalities determining what their residents consume. Read more here. 

Backyard Poultry Magazine on Legalizing Chickens

Many of you have been asking about how to legalize chickens in your community. Backyard Poultry magazine has a great article with tips and pointers on making hens legal in your area of residence! Read more about this here!

Toronto Eyes Backyard Hens, Eh?

In Toronto, laws currently ban backyard hens; however, according to a Canadian Press report dated Jan. 5, 2012, the city’s licensing and standards committee is voting on whether or not to consider a step toward lifting the ban. Continue reading more. 

Urban Chickens: Myth and Fact

This article is great for debunking the backyard chicken myths concerning raising chickens in cities and towns! Another good resource for changing legislation. Enjoy!

Shattering seven urban myths about raising chickens

Information Useful in Amending Chicken-Keeping Ordinances

Folks often call me about changing their city’s chicken legislation, and I can provide some ideas, tips, and pointers. This Chicago Chicken Enthusiasts page is a great source of information on changing city codes and engaging in debates around keeping chickens. This page contains:

  • Model municipal codes (Illinois and other states)
  • Response to common concerns about chicken-keeping in an urban setting
  • Draft ordinance for Chicago

Check out the rest of the info on the site, too!

Naperville Questions Chicken Regulations

Some Naperville residents have questioned the city’s chicken ordinances and are calling for the laws to be revisited. The issues will be reviewed on Sept. 20, 2011.

For more information, read this article from the Naperville Sun Times.