Posts Tagged ‘feed’

Medicated vs. Non-Medicated Chick Feed

As if there weren’t enough variations of chick feed on the market, there is one more option to consider: medicated or nonmedicated? Medicated chick feeds help boost chicks’ immunity to one organism: coccidia.

Coccidia are a parasitic protozoan widely found in the soil, and its oocysts, which are similar to eggs, often find their way into a chick’s digestive tract. Here the intestinal parasites can cause a disease called coccidiosis.

Symptoms include bloody droppings, poor appetite, and lack of normal growth. Chicks may fluff up their feathers and appear hunched over. Coccidiosis spreads quickly from bird to bird and is also associated with a high rate of death.

Most medicated chick feeds contain amprolium, a medication that helps limit the number of coccidia in a chick’s digestive system, allowing the chick to develop immunity to the parasite. Medicated feeds with amprolium do not contain antibiotics and are not intended for other diseases.

Also, medicated feeds are designed to prevent cases of coccidiosis, not to cure existing infections: By the time chicks actually contract the disease, medicated feed will not help them. If your birds do get sick, they should be treated with a water-based coccidiostat (like Corid), carefully following instructions on the package. Be careful not to overmedicate with coccidiostats because they can cause severe vitamin deficiencies in your birds.

Vaccine for Coccidiosis

Many chicks receive a coccidiosis vaccine at hatcheries. Find out if your chicks have been vaccinated for coccidiosis. If so, there is no need to give them medicated feed.

How to Feed Your New Chicks

Winter is finally over here in the Midwest, and it’s that time of year when our thoughts naturally turn to those little balls of yellow fuzz arriving at feed stores everywhere. For those of you raising chicks, here are some tips for choosing the right chick feed to sustain the new additions to your flock.

Chick Feeds

Chicks require their own special feed, different from the layer feed typically eaten by mature laying hens. However, not all chick feeds are the same. Some companies provide separate starter feeds and grower feeds, designed for chicks at various stages of development. But others offer a combined starter-grower feed.

As with any feed, follow the instructions on the label. If you feed starter, eventually you will switch your chicks to grower feed. But if you are using a combined starter-grower feed, you can keep feeding them the same feed until they are ready to switch to a layer ration.

NOTE: Any feed that is labeled as chick starter or grower (or starter-grower) will contain the correct amount of calcium, protein, and other nutrients to meet your growing chick’s needs. For instance, chick starter-grower feed is 20% protein, compared to 16% to 18% in layer feeds. It is important to provide this specially formulated feed. It will support healthy growth, and layer feed can kill chicks.

Other Added Ingredients in Chick Feed

  • Probiotics and Yeast Cultures: Chicks are born without gut microflora (gut bacteria and other important micro-organisms necessary for digestive system health). If your chicks are hand raised (rather than hen raised), they will benefit from supplemental microflora in their feed. See my recent post on this subject: Gut Health: It’s Not Just for Humans Anymore.
  • Medicated Feed: Some chick feed is labeled Medicated Chick Feed. For more information, see my post Medicated vs. Non-Medicated Chick Feed.

Feeding and Watering Tips

If your chicks come through the mail from a hatchery, you may have to dip their beaks in the water dish so they know how to drink. Gently put their beak in a teaspoon of water or in a shallow dish of water. Then watch to make sure their throats move, indicating they’ve swallowed the water.

Once your chicks have learned to drink, it is time for solid food:

Chicks may not catch on right away that the crumbles you are spreading in the brooder are food. Simply tap your finger on the feed, showing the chicks where the food is. You are imitating a mother hen, who uses her beak to guide her chicks to the tasty morsels.

Make sure your chicks always have ready access to their feed. Chicks need constant access to food to support their growth!

Use chick feeders designed especially for them: a shallow dish with a lid, with circular holes cut in the top. The lid helps keep droppings and bedding out of the feed. It also prevents the chicks from attempting to dust themselves or walk through the feed. Keep feeding dishes and water dishes clean.

Feeder with holes in the lid, designed for chicks. Note the shallow water dish (left).

Your chicks should always have access to fresh, clean water in a shallow dish. This prevents them from getting wet, which can lead to health problems. Be prepared to clean the water dishes several times a day to ensure clean water for your flock.

Chicks and Treats

I’m pretty conservative on feeding treats, especially to chicks. If you absolutely want to give them treats, wait until they are around 6 weeks old and introduce live mealworms or crickets, grapes, tomatoes, or fresh kitchen scraps. Make sure the foods are small enough to prevent them from choking. Offer them these foods for only 15 minutes per day, and be sure to clear out what they don’t eat. About 90% of their diet should be formulated feed, to ensure they get the nutrients they need. Remember what your mother said about too many treats! It applies to chicks as well. If you feed your chicks treats, such as scratch grains, you should also provide them with some fine grit (usually made from finely ground granite) in a separate feeder. This will help them digest their food.

Remember, chicks grow up fast: By the time your new birds are 16 weeks old, they can graduate to a layer diet.

Gut Health: It’s Not Just for Humans Anymore

We have all seen the ads for probiotic supplements, designed to support the “good bacteria” in human digestive systems. As it turns out, gut health is also important for chickens. A healthy gut, teeming with good bacteria and other micro-organisms, helps the birds absorb nutrients from their food and contributes to the development of a chicken’s immune system. In fact, commercial chicken farmers are turning to probiotics, rather than antibiotics, to maintain a healthy flock.

Probiotics, Yeast, and Other Microflora

Chicks are born without gut bacteria. They usually get their gut bacteria from their mother, because they (accidentally!) ingest some of her droppings and absorb the good bacteria, yeast, and other beneficial microorganisms (called microflora). These tiny organisms aid in digestion and protect the gut from harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella and E. coli.

However, chicks that are raised by themselves in an incubator, with no mother hen present, miss this early opportunity to colonize their digestive systems with healthy micro-organisms.

So how can chicken keepers ensure their hand-raised (rather than hen-raised) chicks get the microflora they need to develop healthy digestive systems? There are a number of chicken feeds on the market that contain probiotics, yeast, and other fungal components. Check the feed label for yeast culture and other fungal components, as well as probiotics with scientific names such as Lactobacillus acidophilus.


You’ve also probably seen ads that tout the importance of prebiotics for humans. Prebiotics are the nutritious foodstuffs that support the growth of probiotics in your gut. And, yes, you guessed it, prebiotics are also important for chickens! Fortunately, most chickens love to eat the foods that are considered prebiotic: berries, flaxseed, dandelion greens, wheat bran, lentils, and other favorite chicken treats.

For more information about choosing feeds that contain beneficial microflora, read this illuminating blog post on the Nutrena Poultry blog “Scoop from the Coop.”

Chick Stand to Keep Bedding Out of Water/Food

For those of you getting chicks this spring, the chick stand could be a handy solution to the messy problem of chicks dragging poop and bedding into their food and water.

As suggested by Deborah Niemann, author of Homegrown and Handmade, as the birds get larger, people often hang the feeder/waterer or put it on blocks, but the same simple idea could be applied to prevent the birds from soiling their food and water.

Feeding Corn to Chickens

Poultry expert Robert Plamondon suggests giving whole corn to chickens. In addition to contributing xanthophylls that make the yolks a lovely golden yellow, corn may help reduce the cost of feed. He suggests a 50/50 split of corn and pellets/laying feed.

According to Plamondon, if hens are fed oyster shells, grit is optional.

Regardless of whether or not you feed corn to laying hens, always give them a laying hen diet, which will provide proper, balanced amounts of vitally important protein, calcium, phosphorus, and other nutrients.

To read Plamondon’s article, click here.

June 18, 2011: Chicken Keeping Class at Belmont Feed and Seed

Join Home to Roost Urban Chicken Consulting at Belmont Feed and Seed for a class on keeping chickens! Everything you need to know about chickens and then some.

DATE: Saturday, June 18

PLACE: Belmont Feed & Seed, 3036 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60618

TIME: 4 to 6 PM

COST: $25 per person

The owners will have a new shipment of chicks and a package deal on supplies for those who attend!

Package Deal

  • Cardboard box large enough to hold 4-6 chicks (9.95 Value)
  • Pack of pine shavings (12.95 value)
  • Brooder light (15.95 value)
  • Brooder bulb, 125 w. (3.95 value)
  • 4 chicks from our stock (16.00 value). I will have new chicks for the event, and a variety of them.
  • 10 lb. Organic Chick Starter (4.50 value)
  • Chick-size, jar type waterer (7.95 value)
  • Chick-size, jar type food dish (7.95 value)
Total value of the package is $79.20 Special for $68.00, or 15% off all chick/chicken supplies for participants.

Space is limited, so call 708-524-5038. After registering, mail in a check or use PayPal to secure a spot. Or you can pay with cash or check payable to Jennifer Murtoff on June 18.

Please make arrangements for childcare.