Archive for March, 2019

Referral code for Coop Camp is LIVE

Home to Roost is speaking at Coop Camp in Danville, IN ( just west of Indianapolis), June 7 to 9. It’s a weekend of chicken-related fun and informational sessions!

Using a code during registration gets you, the Camper a 10% discount! My code is HTR. It is “live” and available now.

To use the code, go to the Coop Camp website:

Fill out the registration form first and then the payment form on the right hand side.  Press “Order Summary”  under Payment to get the code box to pop up if you’re on a phone rather than the computer.  Put the three letter code in the code box and continue with payment form.  Discount will show up at check-out.  Continue with payment.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you there!



Good Food Expo March 23

Good Food Expo is March 23! I’m presenting, along with dozens of Chicago’s leading farmers, chefs, entrepreneurs, and inspiring citizen DIY enthusiasts! Free workshops! Free soil screening for lead! Details, schedule and more at: . The #goodfoodEXPO is the Midwest’s Premier Showcase for Local and Sustainable Food! More at:

My presentations are
Quail: 11:45-12:15
Chicken Basics: 2:45-3:15
Chicken Health: 3:30-4:00